Future Missions

Uganda? El Salvador? Haiti? Kansas City, MO? An area near you?

Do you have an area you think would benefit from our program?

At Pennies for Poultry, we are always open to new opportunities to team up with partners to reach new areas of need all around the world. Unfortunately, we are a small organization right now and can only focus on one project at a time. This area is to notify our partners, donors, and visitors about projects that we would like to undertake, but will require more time for fundraising. In essence, areas posted here will be on a waiting list for evaluation and funding.

Future State-side Project Goal:

Veterans Tiny Villages – We would love to implement our project in Veteran Tiny Villages to give residents a source of food as they collect eggs and some responsibility as they care for the chickens. Studies have indicated that caring for and watching farm animals (including poultry) shows “improvements to mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, perceived stress, positive affect, rumination, and self-efficacy” (Pederson et. al., 2016).